Beautiful teeth which, crucially, do the job they are meant to do, are also an important factor in influencing your quality of life: You should be able to speak, eat and laugh with ease, particularly if you have had to choose “the third option”.
Artificial dentures should look as good and function as well as your own teeth and, if at all possible, should not be discernible as such. The usual methods do not always allow for this, however. Implants are the modern solution to this problem. They are made from titanium, which the human body can tolerate and which can be integrated with the jaw on a long-term basis. Just like a natural dental root they can act as a stable base for crowns, bridges or dentures.
Further advantages of implant-supported dentures:
- Patients do not generally experience them as a foreign object. It feels as though you are chewing, eating, talking and laughing with your own teeth again.
- The healthy teeth on either side do not need to be ground down to allow dentures to be secured.
- There is no risk of anything slipping or falling out.
- No one else can tell that you are wearing false teeth.
Implants work just like normal roots in that the jaws provide them with the strength to chew. This has a training effect that acts as a strong impulse for the ongoing maintenance of a healthy jaw. And finally: implantology has become a tried and tested procedure with sustained results –artificial dental roots have been shown to remain completely intact after ten years or more.
When implanting artificial dental roots we work in partnership with the oral surgery specialists Dr. Winau and Dr. Magin Frankfurt. We could advise you about whether or not an implant is a viable recommendation in your case. We also make the appropriate dental crowns ourselves.